
About WPTF

The Western Power Trading Forum (WPTF) is a broad-based industry organization of companies that do business and advocate for competitive market rules throughout the Western Interconnection. Our history stems from the efforts of California and neighboring states to restructure electricity markets in the late 1990s – see our “History” tab for more information. Originally formed by competitive suppliers, WPTF has grown to include investor-owned utilities, public utilities, electric service providers, developers of renewable resources, community choice aggregators and others.

What makes WPTF unique among industry groups?

Perhaps its emphasis on information sharing and providing knowledge in discrete areas of the Western Power business. Member companies can not only advocate with other members of WPTF for market-based solutions but obtain the knowledge of market developments that help their business. Indeed, while WPTF provides an advocacy program for members in forums like CAISO, FERC, state regulatory commissions, state legislatures and elsewhere, WPTF can also be seen as an “information clearinghouse” on market rules and policies.

As you can see by visiting other parts of the WPTF website, we have committees on many areas of the Western Market: California Independent System Operator (CAISO), Green House Gas (GHG) issues, the Wider West (outside California), CPUC matters, Legislative Tracking and Project Development for Renewable Assets.

WPTF hosts Roundtables on specific Western issues in Washington, DC, Houston and New York. WPTF members meet twice a year for general meetings in California or a neighboring state to hear presentations and network with Federal and State policy makers.

If you are in the Power business in the West and you are not a member of WPTF, you are missing a great deal. This is the best place to obtain information on what’s going on in the Western Power business. Join us!

There are three levels of WPTF Membership:

Advocacy (our board and voting members)
General Members
Public Agency members

Contact for more information on membership.

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Western Power Trading Forum

1540 River Park Drive, Suite 211 | Sacramento, CA 95815-4608
916.333.2364 |

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